Listed below are links to ongoing studies of human sexuality by researchers around the world. You are eligible to participate in as many as you would like, depending upon whether you meet the selection criteria. 
If you are a researcher and would like your study added to this page, please email the following information to drlehmiller@gmail.com: the title and weblink for your survey, a sentence about the selection criteria (e.g., gender or sexuality restrictions), a sentence describing what will be asked of participants, the anticipated end date for data collection, and a note indicating whether your study has been approved by an IRB or ethics committee.
Thank you for your contributions to the science of sex! 
  • Why Are You Doing Kegels? (University of Ottawa) -  The goal of this study is to better understand why women practice Kegel exercises (also known as pelvic floor exercises or pelvic floor muscle training). To participate, you must be (a) a women, (b) over the age of 18, and (c) currently practicing Kegel exercises. You will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey that takes no more than 30 minutes to complete about your practice of Kegel exercises, your general health, and your sexual health. You will be given the opportunity to be entered in a draw to win a $100 Visa gift certificate. This study has been approved by the University of Ottawa's Office of Research Ethics and Integrity. [Added December 7, 2015]

  • Survey of Sexual Relationships (Ball State University) -  We are conducting an on-line study that will further our understanding of people’s sexual relationships.  The only requirements for participation in this study are that you are at least 18 years of age or older and are currently in either a “friends with benefits” relationship or a romantic relationship. Participation in this research will take less than 15 minutes of your time and requires only that you complete a brief survey that asks questions about your current relationship, personality, sexual attitudes, and sexual history. You will not be asked to provide any personally identifying information. [Added December 1, 2015]

  • Sexual Behavior, Online Dating, and Personality (Federation University) -  We are conducting a study assessing elements of sexual behaviour, online dating and personality. The questionnaire is anonymous and voluntary, and takes roughly 20-30 minutes to complete. You must be over age 18 to participate. [Added November 29, 2015]

  • Sexual Desire and Desirability: Perceptions of Self and Others (James Cook University) - This is a 20 minute online survey for men and women over the age of 18. This survey contains a number of scales assessing the qualities and attributes people value in their sexual and romantic partners as well as in themselves as sexual people. This study also looks at attitudes toward different types of relationships, including long-term committed relationships and short-term sexual relationships. [Added November 11, 2015]

  • Sexuality During Pregnancy (Dalhousie University) - Eligibility criteria: 1) Age 18 or older, 2)pregnant, 3) involved in a romantic relationship, 4) living in the United States or Canada, and 5) able to read and understand English. Description:  If you choose to participate you will be asked questions about your sexuality and your romantic relationship. The online survey will take 20 to 25 minutes to complete. As a thank you for completing the survey you can choose to be entered into a draw to win a $25 Amazon gift card. [Added October 26, 2015]

  • Personality and Women's Sexual Behavior (University of Central Lancashire) - In this study you will be asked about your personality, sexual behaviour, including your orgasms and your relationship with your current romantic partner. You must be a woman, heterosexual, currently in a romantic relationship of at least six months, over 18 years old  and a fluent English speaker to take part in this study. [Added October 26, 2015]

  • Effect of Education on Viewing Explicit Images (Yeshiva University) - This survey is designed to better understand the influence of pornography on health and behavior and to explore the relationship between pornography viewing habits and sex education received (from parents, school, or others). Participants must be over age 18 to take part in this study. [Added July 8, 2015]

  • Sexual Experiences (University of Maryland) - This survey is about sexual behavior in relationships. Anyone over 18 years old and currently in a committed romantic relationship is eligible to participate. This survey takes 20-30 minutes to complete and you will be asked questions about your personality and dating behaviors. [Added May 6, 2015]

  • Survey of Sexual Fantasies – This survey is open to all adults age 18 or older. You will be asked questions about your sexual fantasies, your personality, and your sexual history. The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and all data will be recorded anonymously. Participants will have the opportunity to enter a drawing for an Amazon.com gift card. There will be one $100 prize, four $50 prizes, and eight $25 prizes awarded when data collection is complete.

  • PLAY! (Hunter College) – Have you been to a play/sex party in the U.S. in the past year (defined here as a gathering of 6 or more people where full nudity was allowed AND people openly engaged in sexual and/or kinky activities? If so, please take this survey and help us better understand play parties and the people who attend them. All genders and sexual orientations are eligible, but must be 18 or older. The survey takes between 20-40 minutes, depending on how many portions of it you choose to answer.

  • Dream Recall and Interpersonal Behavior (University of Maryland) – This survey is about dreams that contain sexual behavior. Anyone over 18 years old is eligible to participate, but you must be able to report a recent dream that contained sexual behavior. The survey also includes questions about personality traits, relationships, and sexual preferences. This study will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

  • Communication and Sexuality (University of Arkansas) – There are no restrictions on gender, sexual orientation, or sexual experience. Participants must be age 18 or older. This survey is expected to take between 10-30 minutes to complete. The survey will first ask about you and your feelings and attitudes about yourself. If applicable, you will then be asked about communication with sexual partners and several sexual health outcomes.

  • Pornography Consumption and Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors among Men (James Cook University) – Do you watch porn? Researchers at James Cook University (Australia) are exploring porn use, attitudes toward porn, and sex and sexual behaviour among men. Participation involves filling-out an anonymous 30-40 minute questionnaire. You must be MALE & AT LEAST 18 to participate. The survey is open to consumers and non-consumers of pornography. Participants can enter a drawing to win 1 of 5 $50 (AUD) gift vouchers.